Outputting Content

Guides for outputting images from Unreal Engine.

This is a Work in Progress article

Render Capture

By using a Cinematic Camera, it can render out images using physical camera parameters as well as post-processing image effects.

Camera Creation

  1. Using [Place] mode, under the Cinematic tab, drag and drop a Cine Camera Actor into the Level.

  2. In the World Outliner, [RMB] the Cine Camera Actor to bring up its context menu, and choose[Pilot]. This gives allows you to move the lens of the camera using the viewport.

  3. Pilot the Camera as you would navigate the viewport to place it in the desired location.

  4. To stop piloting the Camera, [Eject] (1) from it using the new buttons available in the viewport, pictured below. Alternatively, [RMB] the camera from the World Outliner and [Eject].

  5. To toggle between the Cinematic Camera view and the standard viewport view, use the [Toggle] (2)

  6. This Camera can be locked in place so it won't be accidentally moved via [RMB > Transform > Lock Actor Movement].

Adjust Camera

With the Cinematic Camera Actor selected, the Details panel will reveal a host of different functions to adjust how the Level looks when using this Camera:

  • Current Camera Settings for replicating physical cameras

  • Colour Grading

  • Film for filmic settings

  • Lens for further camera settings, lens effects such as chromatic aberration, and adding layers like dirt and lens flares,

  • Rendering Features for changing up how the light and rendering functions, such as screen space reflections and ambient occlusion

Camera Capture

  1. When the Level is ready to be rendered, [Build Lighting]at its maximum Production quality. This can be accessed through the [Build Menu > Lighting Quality].

  2. Press[G]on your keyboard to enable Game View, this will hide all icons that represent aspects of your Actors like Lights.

  3. In the World Outliner, [RMB] the Cine Camera Actor to bring up its context menu, and choose[Pilot] to pilot the Camera again.

  4. In the [Viewport Options](1), select [High Resolution Screenshot](2),

  5. Depending on the size of the image desired, adjust the Screenshot Size Multiplier (3). This process is dependent on the power of the graphics card of your machine, where very high multipliers may fail.

  6. Press the Capture button (4), to capture an image from the Camera.

  7. A prompt in the bottom right of Unreal Engine will provide the link to the file. Alternatively it can be found in the project folder through ...(ProjectFolder)/Saved/Screenshots/

Video Animation

This section is a Work in Progress section.

Sequencer basics

Camera and Rail Setup

  1. Drag out a camera rig rail asset

  2. Drag out a cine camera actor

  3. Attach the camera to the rig rail.

  4. Details of cineactor camera, set XYZ for 0,0,60

  5. With the camerarigrail selected, adjust the movement spline.

Level Sequencer

  1. From [cinematics], add level sequence

  2. Select camerarigrail and cineactor in the level, then click the add to add both.

  3. Add a keyframe using the keyframe thingy

  4. On the rigrail click the +track to add current position on rail and a keyframe for the initial value.

  5. 0 and 1 value represents start and end.

  6. move the timeline marker around, add a keyframe with the changed current position.

  7. cineactor: actor to track and add a z offset.

Outputting Video

  1. In the sequencer, click render movie

  2. Select video sequence.

Last updated